When is it more than just a tummy ache?
The pancreas is a small gland that is situated next to the stomach and first part of the small intestine in the front of the abdomen. As in humans, it performs two main functions in dogs and cats.
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The pancreas is a small gland that is situated next to the stomach and first part of the small intestine in the front of the abdomen. As in humans, it performs two main functions in dogs and cats.
The kidneys are very important organs of the animal body and play an important role in the normal day to day functioning of the body. They act like a specialised type of filter by retaining the appropriate amount of different … Read more
Ear infections are common in dogs, and to a lesser degree in cats. The anatomy of the animal predisposes them to this condition. The ear canal of the dog and cat follows the shape of an “L”, going first downwards … Read more
Hyperadrenocorticism, or Cushing’s Disease, is a condition whereby the level of cortisol in the body is too high. It is a condition which is also found in humans and the name Cushing’s Disease or also commonly known as Cushing’s Syndrome … Read more
The pancreas is an organ in the body which is closely associated with the segment of intestine that leaves the stomach. The pancreas releases enzymes involved in digestion as well as hormones with specific functions. One of these hormones is … Read more
The treatment of cancer in pets has become a significant part of the therapy provided by veterinarians to keep our pet population healthy and thriving. Depending on the modality used, the type and extent of cancer treated, and the size … Read more
The battle against cancer in humans is as old as mankind itself. Since veterinary medicine became a fully-fledged discipline in the previous century, this battle has been extended to animals, and more so than any other area of veterinary medicine, … Read more